Friday, 6 February 2009

This week's UK cinema releases (6 Feb)


Amy Adams and Meryl Streep (with Philip Seymour Hoffman) and their Oscar nom-worthy performances. It looks good (Meryl, if you're reading this, which you probably are, this had better make up for the execrable HRT explosion that was Mamma Mia) but I think I'll wait for the DVD - it's no popcorn event.

The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button

The most highly-anticipated release of the year so far. We'll be checking if it's worth its 13 Oscar noms this weekend.

He's Just Not That Into You

We're donning our Marc Jacobs wellies and heading through the snowflakes to the multiplex for this delightful fluff later on today.

Who Killed Nancy?

Well-timed as we've recently been undergoing a morbid fascination with Sid and Nancy... We'll wait for the DVD though as it's a The Future Is Unwritten: Joe Strummer-style doc. Lets hope it's better that that pile of shit 1986 Gary Oldman effort.

Punisher: War Zone


The Good The Bad The Weird

It's a Western. A Korean Western. A.Maze.Ing.

The Secret Of Moonacre

We're sure it's good, if you like that sort of thing (I don't FYI). I'm no psychic, but I predict I'll be watching this in pyjamas on BBC1 on Boxing Day afternoon in a couple of years' time, drifting in and out of consciousness.

And that, as they say, is that.

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